You could sell bread to a baker.

January 11, 2022
January 24, 2024

“You could sell bread to a baker.” That’s what I heard early on in life. It’s what I call self esteem. Terrell is my dearest friend’s mom. They lived around the corner and always made sure I knew that their home was my home. It was something so subtle they did for me. “Tah,” as we lovingly call her now, told me I never needed to ring the doorbell; I was welcome to just come in.  I realized the importance of that very meaningful invitation much later in life. It told my tender and vulnerable kid self that I was safe and I had a place where I belonged – no matter what. 

We never discussed her perception of my situation. Tah always just did things that made me feel connected and safe. 

And she really treasured ice skating. So, it’s no wonder I tried it on and fell in love with having a coach and becoming athletic. I was away, training in Sun Valley, when I broke my ankle.  And it was Tah who rescued me and let me land at her home. Another important feeling of safety and belonging. 

When and where did the seeds of your self esteem get planted? Who said what? And, what did you do with those seedlings? 

In my women’s group, my intention is to create a place where people feel safe and have a place to belong.  When and if this goes awry, it’s super important to me that we all try and repair the disconnects.

‘22 Strong is about connecting, belonging and growing my community so that people ignite even more self worth and develop a stronger sense of safety. Truly, there isn’t anything more important. 

Remember, in your own way, you too can ‘sell bread to a baker.’

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